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The Clark Group is a highly experienced Professional Environmental Consulting Firm dedicated to providing cost-effective turnkey multidisciplinary services and support to Development Interests, Regulated Industries of all sizes, Infrastructure Developers, and Local, State, and Federal Government Entities.

We specialize in providing Geo-Environmental Services such as subsurface Assessment and Remediation for Superfund Sites, Brownfields Redevelopments, Underground Storage Tank Sites; performing Transactional Due-Diligence Studies, Water Resource Evaluations, permitting and solution fitting for large and small Wastewater Treatment and Conveyance Systems; and performing a wide range of  multi-faceted Engineering, Geological and Surveying Services; and including complete Field Technical Support and Project Management. We exploit our wide range of skills and capabilities in the successful provision of all Development-Related Entitlements for our Clients.

We utilize the scientific method approach and are committed to common sense problem solving using our diversified capabilities.

The Clark Group prides itself in our complex and expert offerings to our loyal clientele’ for over 25 years. Our exemplary standards are a product of dedication to the evolution of the regulatory landscape and to consistently exceeding the expectations of our Clients. Our Client-Centered Approach results in an experience base which has become rich in its diversity of Strategic and Tactical Success Models.